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Has inspection made you Fat because you spend too much time behind the computer? Do you have Blisters on your fingers from writing too many narratives? Have you suffered Bodily Injuries by bringing home work clothes covered with Penetrant? Have you suffered Neck Injuries by trying to keep up with the Owner/User’s changes in direction? Do you have Lacerations from “jumping through hoops”, or Burns from continually “fighting fires”? Do you suffer Continual Headaches as a result of preparing for an API exam? If any of these inspection related injuries affect you, you should call our The Inspection Legal Team of PAYNE, HIRT, & PAYNE.
Actually, Frank Payne, Jim Hirt, and Eddie Payne were part of our API 570 class (about 100 yrs ago). We quickly named them THE FIRM !!! |
Let's get Certified !!!